It often happens that when we apply a primer or a top coat on old paint coats, it curdles. How to avoid it? The Ranal Company has a solution to this problem – we offer an epoxy primer.
Some of the elements to be coated have already been repaired before. During the sanding process old paint or primer coatings appear, and when repairing, there is a risk that after the application of an acrylic primer it may curdle on the edges between the old and the new coating. The best way to eliminate this problem is the use of an epoxy primer. After sanding of the element to be covered with a primer or a putty - to avoid problems with coat curdling – apply one layer of epoxy primer, which forms a layer insulating from the old coats, and moreover, in areas sanded to metal we receive anti - corrosion protection.
The Polish company RANAL offers a very good product. It is an epoxy primer 1:1 available in packaging of 0,8L +0,8L or 0,4 + 0,4. This product is characterized by very good anti-corrosion and insulation properties. Its great advantage is the fact that after the application we have up to 12 hours to apply other layers of acrylic primer or filler with no need of sanding. The primer can be also used during the repairs of new elements wet on wet with adequate evaporation time.
Summing up – the use of epoxy primer allows avoiding problems with undesirable chemical reactions and creates a solid insulating layer. Investing in a good product allows saving time and money.